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Leather and Textile

    Beyond leather: Exploring 12 surprising everyday products derived from the meat industry

    Beyond leather: Exploring 12 surprising everyday products derived from the meat industry
    Discovering lesser-known products and applications that originate from the meat industry

    Leather craft is over 7000 years old. When humans started hunting animals for food, they saw an opportunity to use the hides and skins for their other necessities (clothing , holsters for weapons etc..). It was an optimum solution back in the day. Good process.

    Today we don’t hunt. We slaughter around 290 million cows / year which is projected to rise 430 million cows / year by 2025. Leather is not the only co-product of the meat industry, in fact its a very small fraction. The industry utilizes various parts of animals to minimize waste and maximize the use of available resources. Let’s see a dozen of other applications (apart from leather below). We will start with the obvious ones.

    It's important to note that the utilization of these animal by-products varies across different regions, industries, and cultural practices.

    Thank you for your time. In the next post we will discuss how all of the above affects and creates sustainable leather that we use in Slow Fashion to make your favorite bags.